Characteristics | J

Characteristics of Jotform.

Question Types

  1. Email

  2. Address

  3. Date

  4. Time

  5. Phone number

  6. Signature

  7. Product list

  8. Fill in the blank

  9. Appointment

  10. Multiple choice

  11. Drop-down

  12. Short answer

  13. File upload

  14. Star/scale rating

In addition to these question types, users can also take advantage of the form validation, such as requiring responses to certain fields. Jotform also offers a scoring system that can be set up through the Form Calculation widget.


Jotform's interface may take a bit of time for users to get familiar especially when with working with form fields as individual settings for them are a bit hidden and thus come with a slight learning curve.

Jotform boasts an auto save feature that allows users to keep track of their progress without manually having to save their work. It also has a variety of plugins, including PayPal, Google Drive, Dropbox, MailChimp, Box, OneBip, SalesForce and Zoho CRM.


Jotform allows for easy collaboration by sharing forms with a simple link and allowing real time form collaboration even showing who's working on what through visual cues. However, it comes with the downside that all collaborators have to make a Jotform account in order to access the form.


Users can analyze responses in detail through the information that Jotform gathers, including traffic, device type, platform, and location. Users can also connect to Google Analytics for further detailed analyzation of the data.


Jotform offers various support methods, including their FAQ page with common questions and feature usage, a Youtube channel with instructional videos, and a 24/7 support chat.

Despite having a 24/7 support chat, Jotform's average response wait time is approximately 6 hours, which is very long, especially for customers dealing with urgent matters.


Jotform offers five different tiers to their platform - Starter, Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Enterprise.

The Starter tier is free, but it is limited to 5 forms, 100 responses, 100MB space, 1,000 monthly form views, 500 submission storage, and 10 monthly payment submissions.

The Bronze tier is $29/month, and it comes with 25 forms, 1,000 responses, 10GB space, 10,000 monthly form views, unlimited submission storage, and 100 monthly payment submissions.

The Silver tier is $39/month, and it comes with 100 forms, 10,000 responses, 100GB space, unlimited monthly form views, unlimited submission storage, and 1,000 monthly payment submissions.

The Gold tier is $99/month, and it comes with unlimited forms, 100,000 responses, 1TB space, unlimited monthly form views, unlimited submission storage, and unlimited monthly payment submissions.

The highest tier, Jotform Enterprise, grants unlimited access to tools to improve online forms and data collection. It is used by companies, such as Ford and Chanel.

Last updated