Characteristics | S

Characteristics of SurveySparrow.

Question Type

  1. Text input

  2. Email input

  3. Number input

  4. Multiple choice

  5. Image choice

  6. Yes/No

  7. Rating

  8. Opinion scale

  9. Matrix grid

  10. Signature

  11. Slider

  12. Photo capture

  13. Date question

In addition, users can add display and skip logic and have variables and expressions in questions.


The overall look of the platform is appealing, with each page not cluttered with options.

When creating a survey, to add a question the entire webpage fill up with options in block form. Then you can edit the one question. When adding a second question, the first question is put onto the list on the side, so you never see two questions at the same time. With this platform, you cannot have multiple questions on the same page, but it makes the overall look cleaner.

The theme and styling of the survey can be edited with simple options available, but more advanced users can edit the CCS of the survey for a custom look.


The surveys can be shared with others on your team or organization. You cannot edit a survey at the same time as someone else, but the data and analytics can be easily shared to many and viewed simultaneously live or in reports.


In-depth easy to read analytics are available at a click of a button. This is what SurveySparrow does best, and allows easy integration with other analytical tool such as Google Analytics.

They offer real-time reporting, cross-tabulation, advanced reports filters, and the ability to schedule report emails.


All of SurveySparrow is hosted in Amazon Web Services (AWS) which has end to end encryption.

In addition to an FAQ and general information section on their website, they offer live chat with a representative with quick response times.


A very limited personal free version is available to try the platform.

All paid accounts range in price depending on responses and email shares needed per month.

Personal Accounts:

Basic: $19 - $31 per month

Premium: $29 - $119 per month

Business Accounts:

Basic: $99 - $299 per month

Enterprise: $499 - $749 per month

Elite: custom pricing

All prices are based on annual payments, where quarterly payments increase the cost per month by 50%.

Last updated