Name your project

Once you have a project, the next step is to name it. A good name makes it so people do not confuse it with other projects. A good project name has the following attributes.

  • Descriptive

  • Unique


A descriptive name for your project ensures that users and potential contributors easily understand your project. A descriptive project name is one that will show up when searching for relevant keywords or use cases.

Take for example a shift register library that adds capabilities for chaining multiple shift registers together. Naming your project "ShiftOutLib", for example, doesn't differentiate itself much from the standard Arduino library "ShiftOut". Consider naming it "MultipleShiftOut" or "CascadedShiftRegisters" instead. These names would describe the added functionality while still keeping the topic relevant.


A unique project name differentiates itself from other similar projects. Consider adding a specific keyword or phrase that relates to the project and not others. Additionally, do a quick search for other projects so that you don't accidentally have the same name.

Searching up your project name on a web domain service is also a good idea. If your project grows large enough, it could be useful to move some of the resources and information to a separate webpage from the repository. Having an available domain is a great place to move the project if the opportunity arises.

If your project name contains multiple words, separate each word with a hyphen.

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