How to Hack WiFi Networks; Learning Password Security
Team Cracked: Henry Samuelson, John Stawinski, Luca Koval, Shihao Cao
The purpose of this tutorial is to provide a user guide that will walk users through the process of hacking WiFi. It is intended for anyone and everyone. You do not need any previous technical experience to understand this guide. We hope this guide will provide users with a better understanding of how to create good passwords.
Before we proceed, it's important to note that this guide is intended only for use on your own, home WiFi network over which you have ownership or on a network for which you have explicit permission from the owner to hack. Only perform the hack demonstrated in this guide on such a network. Do not perform the hack demonstrated in this guide on someone else's network, a public network, or anything else of that nature. We, the creators of this guide, take no responsibility for actions taken by you, the user. We mention this in a few other places in the guide as well. We apologize for the tedium, but it is important to say.
The next section goes through some background information for the problem we are trying to solve. It gives context for the guide and provides its exigence. If, however, you'd like to go directly to the tutorial section, click here!
Last updated